
How to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder

Help a loved one struggling with an eating disorder. Offer support and encourage them to seek help.

Learn how to help someone with an eating disorder. You can offer support and understanding and learn how to help your loved one get resources to cope with an eating disorder. Here’s what you can do:

Do help someone with an eating disorder with these tips

  • Express empathy (“That must be really scary and overwhelming.”)
  • Be honest and vocal about your concerns (“You matter to me, and I’m worried about you.”)
  • Be a good role model regarding eating and dieting (“I will eat meals with you.”)
  • Help them find professional support (“Let’s work together to find you help.”)
  • Let them know treatment is effective (“There are lots of options, and we will find one that works for you.”)
  • Be caring and firm (“Recovery is hard. I will support you.”)
  • Pay attention to the individual and be inclusive (“I appreciate you being here with us”)
  • Learn as much as you can about eating disorders

Don’t say these things to someone with an eating disorder

  • Blame (“It’s all in your head.”)
  • Shame (“Other people have problems too.”)
  • Make rules or promises you cannot or will not uphold (“If you stop this behavior, I will buy you something special.”)
  • Give simple solutions (“You just need to eat.”)
  • Invalidate someone’s experience or try to convince (“It can’t be that hard.”)
  • Ignore or avoid the situation until it is severe or life-threatening

Break the stigma of mental health

Learn how to help someone with an eating disorder by changing the way society sees mental health and treatment.

Symptoms of different types of eating disorders

Symptoms of different types of eating disorders

There are many common signs, but not all eating disorders look the same. Some people may be very thin, while others are normal weight or overweight. You cannot tell if someone has an eating disorder by looking at them. Some people may act and appear normal while suffering silently on the inside.

There are many common signs, but not all eating disorders look the same. Some people may be very thin, while others are normal weight or overweight. You cannot tell if someone has an eating disorder by looking at them. Some people may act and appear normal while suffering silently on the inside.