Young women sitting on bench outside in a park

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Understand the symptoms of eating disorders

There is a difference between occasionalirregular eating habits and an eating   disorder. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening health conditions and are caused or influenced by biological, psychological, and social elements. They are not the result of personal weakness or character defect. Approximately 9% of the US population will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. It’s important to recognize the symptoms of an eating disorder and seek help.

Are you or a loved one in crisis?

Are you or a loved one in crisis?

If you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Call or text 988 (TTY 711) or visit the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for 24-hour, toll-free, confidential support for you or your loved ones.

If you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Call or text 988 (TTY 711) or visit the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline for 24-hour, toll-free, confidential support for you or your loved ones.

Different types of eating disorders and eating disorder treatment options

Read about some types of eating disorders and get information about treatment options

Different types of eating disorders

Different types of eating disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

Treatment for eating disorders

Eating disorders are treatable conditions and effective interventions typically include psychotherapy (talk therapy), nutritional counseling, medical monitoring, medication, or a combination of these approaches

Elizabeth’s story

Elizabeth’s story

See how one family changed their daughter’s life by recognizing her symptoms and getting treatment.

See how one family changed their daughter’s life by recognizing her symptoms and getting treatment.

How to help someone with an eating disorder

If someone you love may be struggling with an eating disorder, here are some tips for how you might start a conversation or encourage them to get help.

  • Do

    •  Express empathy
    • Be honest and vocal about your concerns
    • Be a good role model regarding eating and dieting
    • Suggest seeking help from a physician and/or therapist
  • Don’t

    • Place shame, blame, or guilt
    • Make rules or promises that you cannot or will not uphold
    • Give simple solutions
    • Give advice about weight, exercise, or appearance